League reconstruction - consultation
April 18, 2020
With meetings of the SPFL Reconstruction Group due to begin on Monday, the Board of Directors feel that it is important to gather the feelings of the club’s supporters in order to present a balanced viewpoint.
We are initially inviting season ticket holders to register their views, which will be compiled and discussed by the Board before a presentation is made to the Reconstruction Group.
If you are a current season ticket holder, please fill in the form below with your contact details and a summary of your thoughts on the best way to proceed with reconstruction. As time is a factor, we ask you to limit your comments to 250 words.
If you're a Club 1924 subscriber but NOT a current season ticket holder, we'll contact you directly so that you can make your views known.
Again we thank you for your continued support, and hope that we can all work together to find the best possible solution in the current situation.