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Osprey Global soar above East Stand

23rd February 2017

The final part of Osprey Global's sponsorship package was completed last month, when the signs went up on the new "Osprey Global East Stand".

With the firm's name also adorning the back of the away strip, along with trackside advertising and pop up banners within the confines of the boardroom, brand awareness is now at a premium.

While a large part of the reasoning behind the Australian firm's sponsorship deal was down to the fact it’s COO is an ex-pat and Diamond Diehard Dave Walker, it is also a move which - with the company entering into the Scottish market - is a shrewd business decision. The brand is now highly visible for not only Airdrie games, but also the forthcoming Elton John gig, and the numerous other events held at the stadium.

Dave said: “Everyone at the company is delighted with the exposure gained through our package. Yes I am a Diamond, and happy to support the club, but it is also a carefully measured plan from our perspective. I look forward to visiting my old stomping ground in the next few weeks, and after seeing the weather reports from Airdrie this week, will do my best to bring some sunshine over”.

For a further look at Osprey's work – and indeed, their joint venture partner - The Australia Oil and Gas College – please visit the links below.

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