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DW Fitness Challenge

22nd January 2012

A few weeks back, director Rose Ballantyne and commercial manager John Drysdale accompanied a couple of the players to DW Sports and Fitness Club in Coatbridge on the day of the Children in Need appeal by the BBC. What we hadn't told the boys was that they were going to have to model a couple of fairly striking outfits. If we'd let that cat out of the bag, then no-one would have turned up. Indeed, we let Kieron Stallard in on the secret but mysteriously he then had a shift change in his day job which meant he couldn't make it. Lucky for him, we're not the suspicious types. Where's a latter day John Martin when you need him?

Anyway, we needn't have worried, as Rhys Devlin and Phil Johnston were both free that afternoon, and when asked to be models for an hour or two, both were well up for it. Check out the headgear and the 'man-bags' in their outfits, though - and make sure to give them the whistles whenever they appear on the park at the next couple of games!

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