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Ewan McNeil interview

21st May 2012

Would you say you were thrown in the deep end coming to Airdrie at the end of March?

No, I’ve loved coming to Airdrie to play and get my name out there.  Jimmy Boyle’s given me the chance to play first team games which is great at the age of 18 and I’ve loved every minute of it.  The team are thriving at the minute and we’re doing really well – to be in a team that are in the play-off final is a great experience for a young boy.

Well it was a great game against Ayr!

Well to be honest it was an absolute battle on the pitch but the atmosphere was really good as well and we managed to get the goals which were important to get us through so at the end of the day that was always the most important thing for the whole team.  It was great to get the result and that’s us in the final.

Is it a good sign that the fans are coming to games in greater numbers?

Definitely.  When I first came to watch I think we were getting decent crowds but as you can see as time has gone on and we got closer to the play-offs and the semi-final and the final the crowds are getting bigger and bigger, so it must be great for Airdrie as a place as well that the club’s been doing so well.

Has the presence of Grant Adam helped you settle in?

Well it was good that Grant was here when I arrived but to be honest I’m only really thinking about number one – I want to do well obviously and from my own point of view I wanted to come and do as well as I can and put my name in the shop window for people to watch.  I think I’ve proved that I can play in a first team.

The game against Dumbarton was also the only game you’ve played for Airdrie that we’ve lost (before Wednesday night’s play-off).  That says quite a lot!

It’s not just about me; it’s about the whole team.  From the defence, Grant in goals has been brilliant, and then you’ve got the whole defence to stop the goals and if we stop the goals you still need the strikers to score.  Homer and Giggsy have been doing brilliant since I’ve been here.

What happens when you’re not at training with Airdrie, are you back at Murray Park?

If we’re playing on the Saturday then I’m at Rangers training on Monday morning, then Monday night with Airdrie, a full day on Tuesday at Murray Park, Wednesday off, and then Thursday Morning at Rangers and Thursday night at Airdrie.  I’ll have light training on Friday morning and game on Saturday!

How long have you been at Rangers?

I’ve been there over five and a half years.  I went from a local boys club.

So do you think you’re making good progress with your career?

Definitely, that’s what people talk about – getting out and playing first team as early as you can.  Jimmy Boyle and that have gave me the chance to play here and I feel like I’ve done them justice for putting faith in me as a young player by throwing me in the first team to play, which could be a big thing for a manager, and I’ve proved that I can play.

Have you had any other loan spells?

This is my first loan spell away from Rangers.

I know you won’t be allowed to say much – but if worse came to worst, would you consider coming back to Airdrie?

You need to look at them now, if we get in the First Division then that’s a good level to play at.  Obviously I’m used to training full-time at Rangers and Airdrie are only part-time but I’d need to take it seriously if they were to offer me something because I know that most of the time if I was to keep playing well then I would hopefully be playing every week and that’s the only way you’ll develop as a player.


Interview by Douglas Barrie

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