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Paul Lovering interview

18th March 2012

A great win against Albion Rovers!

It was a big game for us, and a good result.  Hopefully we can keep it up because they’re all big games at this time of the year.  

How important is the result in the grand scheme of things?

At the end of the day I know it’s a derby etc but it’s all about getting points on the board.  We’ll wait and see how important it will be, but we’ve got to keep going on.

What has this season been like compared to others?

It’s been frustrating because we’ve been really inconsistent.  We’ve been up and down this season and inconsistency has been the downfall of us and not being able to put a wee run together so I hope we can do that now and grab a play-off spot because that’s the main aim.

How long have you been at Airdrie now?

Eight and a half... Nearly nine years!

What have been the highlights?

Obviously when I first came we won the Second Division and that was great.  Winning the Alba Cup as well; they’d be the two main things.  I’ve loved every minute of it.  There have been games I’ve been involved in, like the Dunfermline game when we came back and knocked them out – that was brilliant.

After your successful Testimonial Social Event, is there any more news about a testimonial match?

We’re trying to organise that just now, once we get a date, hopefully it’ll be a match then a sportsman’s dinner after it maybe on the same night.  We’re trying to organise that as quick as we can but we’re running out of time towards the end of the season.  

Interview by Douglas Barrie. Part two next week.

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